Lots-a-fun happening at the Baker house. Daphney hit the 8 month mark this past week. Time is flying, soon we will be walking and talking. Donald's mom and brother came for a visit this weekend. With babysitters in town, Don and I were able to get dressed up and go out to the ortho department's end of the year dinner. Always fun to hang out with adults!
Below I have pics of Daphney modeling the dress that mom and I started back in February (very bottom yellow polkadot). Yes, it took three months to complete and the only reason we have a finished product is because I sent it home with my mother. My dreams of becoming a master in the art of sewing have dwindled as I realized I really don't have the time. We'll just put sewing on the back burner for now and just bask in the glory of our first handmade dress!