This week I stayed super busy with work :(, but did managed to squeeze a bit of fun into my crazy schedule. The previous week Daphney had strep throat, so out of pity I had to get her a new prize for all her suffering. We packed up and drove through McDonald's for a nutritious Happy Meal, then headed to Toys-R-Us, both of which were firsts for Daphney. After strolling the isles we left with an art easel, finger paints, chalk, markers (big mistake), and easel paper! Daphney has been crazy about coloring for the longest so I thought we should expand on her interest a bit! She, of course, loves it. It is definitely an activity that needs MUCH supervision!
Midweek we packed and headed for the slash park with Mrs. Maggie, Anna, and Charles Walker. Tons of fun! We sure love the Waddell's!

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved." -Helen Keller